Jiawei Cao, Xiaodan Xu, Yixuan Huang, Tengdong Zhang, Ying Liu, Haotian Yang, Jimin Zhao*, Jun Li* and Yanling Wu*, Efficient spatial self-phase modulation in the near-infrared and visible regimes of transition metal carbonitride Ti3CN, Nanoscale, online (2025).
Jiazila Hasaiena, Yanling Wu , Mengzhu Shic, Yanni Zhaia , Qiong Wu, Zheng Liu, Yi Zhou, Xianhui Chen, and Jimin Zhao*, Emergent quantum state unveiled by ultrafast collective dynamics in 1T-TaS2, PNAS 122, e2406464122 (2025).
Jiazila Hasaien, P. F. Shan, F. R. Zhou, and Jimin Zhao*, Low-temperature on-site in situ high-pressure ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy instrument, Review of Scientific Instruments 96, 013004 (2025).
Takeshi Nakagawa*, Shaohua Fu, Kejun Bu, Dong Wang, Martina Vrankić, Philip Dalladay-Simpson, Xia Yin, Jianbo Zhang, Yonggang Wang, Xujie Lü, Jimin Zhao*, Ho-kwang Mao, and Yang Ding*, RGB photoluminescence from single-component hydrocarbon single-crystals: Revealing excited-state dynamics in organic semiconductors, Carbon 233, 119873 (2025).
Y. L. Wu, X. H. Yu, J. Z. L. Hasaien, Fang Hong, P. F. Shan, Z. Y. Tian, Y. N. Zhai, J. P. Hu, J. G. Cheng, and Jimin Zhao*, Ultrafast dynamics evidence of strong coupling superconductivity in LaH10±δ, Nature Communications 15, 9683 (2024).
Xinnian Lin, Shaohua Fu, Wenhui Wang*, Sheng Meng*, and Jimin Zhao*, From Euler disk to phonon-bottleneck effect: Excited state physics, The Innovations 5, 100614 (2024).
Yanni Zhai, Piming Gong, Jiazila Hasaien, Faran Zhou, and Jimin Zhao*, Coherent phonons in correlated quantum materials, Progress in Surface Science 99, 100761 (2024).
Peiyan Li, Na Wu, Shanshan Liu, Yu Cheng, Piming Gong, Junwei Tong, Jianan Liu, Wei He*, Faxian Xiu*, Jimin Zhao*, Sheng Meng*, and Xiaojun Wu*, Above Curie Temperature Ultrafast Terahertz Emission and Spin Current Generation in a Two-Dimensional Superlattice (Fe3GeTe2/CrSb)3, National Science Review, accepted (2024).
Xiaodan Xu*, Meng Wang, Yaqing Zhang, Qifan Li, Wenshuo Niu, Yifan Yang, Jimin Zhao*, and Yanling Wu*, Broadband spatial self-phase modulation in black and violet phosphorus and near-infrared all-optical switching, Laser & Photonics Reviews 18, 2300930, (2024).
Qiao Yang, Yu-Biao Wu, Lin Zhuang, Ji-Min Zhao, and Wu-Ming Liu*, Emergence of charge density wave and superconducting phase transitions through Lorentz-invariant interactions in the Haldane-Hubbard model, Physical Review B 109, 085139 (2024).
Rui Wang, Jianwei Ding, Fei Sun, Jimin Zhao*, and Xiaohui Qiu*, Photodoping-Modified Charge Density Wave Phase Transition in WS2/1T-TaS2 Heterostructure, Chin. Phys. Lett. 41, 057801 (2024).
Litong Jiang, C. Y. Jiang, Y. C. Tian, H. Zhao, J. Zhang, Z. Y. Tian, S. H. Fu, E. J. Liang, X. C. Wang, Changqing Jin, Jimin Zhao*, Ultrafast carrier dynamics in Ba6Cr2S10 modified by toroidal magnetic phase transition, Chin. Phys. Lett. 41, 047802 (2024).
郝文杰,翟燕妮,代卓君,张红,赵继民*,超快凝聚态物理中激发态电子分类及其非平衡态,《科学通报》,69,3177–3184 (2024).
黄逸轩,赵继民*,量子材料中基于空间自相位调制的激光诱导电子相干性,《光散射学报》,36,52 (2024).
Wenjie Hao, Minghui Gu, Zhenyun Tian, Shaohua Fu, Meng Meng, Hong Zhang*, Jiandong Guo*, Jimin Zhao*, Separated Electron–Phonon and Phonon–Phonon Scatterings Across Interface in Thin Film LaCoO3/SrTiO3, Advanced Science 11, 2305900 (2023).
Faran Zhou, Haihua Liu, Marc Zajac, Kyle Hwangbo, Qianni Jiang, Jiun-Haw Chu, Xiaodong Xu, Ilke Arslan, Thomas E. Gage, and Haidan Wen, Ultrafast nanoimaging of spin-mediated shear waves in an acoustic cavity, Nano Letters 23, 10213-10220 (2023)
Alfred Zong#, Qi Zhang#, Faran Zhou#, Yifan Su, Kyle Hwangbo, Xiaozhe Shen, Qianni Jiang, Haihua Liu, Thomas E. Gage, Michael E. Kozina, Duan Luo, Alexander H. Reid, Jie Yang, Suji Park, Saul H. Lapidus, Donald A. Walko, Jiun-Haw Chu, Ilke Arslan, Xijie Wang, Xiaodong Xu, Nuh Gedik, Haidan Wen, Spin-mediated shear oscillators in a van der Waals antiferromagnet, Nature 620, 988-993 (2023).
Yixuan Huang#, Hui Zhao#, Zhilin Li#, Lili Hu, Yanling Wu, Fei Sun, Sheng Meng, and Jimin Zhao*, Laser-induced hole coherence and spatial self-phase modulation in the anisotropic 3D Weyl semimetal TaAs, Advanced Materials, 35, 2208362 (2023).
Yang Liu, Jimin Zhao, Zhiyi Wei, Franz X. Kärtner, and Guoqing Chang*, High-power, high-repetition-rate tunable longwave mid-IR sources based on DFG in the OPA regime, Optics Letters, 48(4), 1052-1055 (2023).
Tao Sun, Chun Zhou, Hongli Guo, Zhi Meng, Xinyu Liu, Zhou Wang, Han Zhou, Yuming Fei, Kang Qiu, Fapei Zhang, Bolin Li, Xuetao Zhu, Fang Yang, Jimin Zhao, Jiandong Guo, Jin Zhao, Zhigao Sheng*, Coherent phonon-induced gigahertz optical birefringence and its manipulation in SrTiO3, Advanced Science, 10, 2205707 (2023).
Xiaojun Wu*, Hanchen Wang, Haijiang Liu, Yizhan Wang, Xinhou Chen, Peng
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Z. Y. Tian, Q. Y. Zhang, Y. W. Xiao, G. A. Gamage, F. Tian, S. Yue, V.
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Xinhou Chen, Hangtian Wang, Haijiang Liu, Chun Wang, Gaoshuai
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Faran Zhou,
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Jiawei Zhang, Qianni Jiang, Alfred Zong, YifanSu, Marc Zajac, Youngjun Ahn, Donald A. Walko,
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Y. L. Wu,
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Fei Sun,
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Hui Zhao,
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Rui Wang*, Junbo
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Faran Zhou,
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Qiong Wu,
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Y. L. Wu,
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Q. Wu, F.
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加孜拉·哈赛恩,朱柯嘉,孙飞,吴艳玲,石友国,赵继民*, 三重简并拓扑半金属MoP中超快圆偏振光产生和调控光生热电流,《物理学报》69, 207801
姜聪颖,孙飞,冯子力,刘世炳,石友国,赵继民*,三重简并拓扑半金属磷化钼的时间分辨超快动力学,《物理学报》69, 077801 (2020).
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L. L.
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R. Wang,
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Rui Wang,
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吴穹,田义超,吴艳玲,赵继民*,高温超导体的超快光谱学,《科学通报》,第62卷,第1期,1-15 (2017).
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Faran Zhou,
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Tian, W. H. Zhang, F. S. Li, Y. L. Wu, Q. Wu, F. Sun, G. Y. Zhou, Lili Wang, Xucun Ma*, Qi-Kun Xue*, Jimin Zhao*,
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Y. L. Wu,
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Zhida Song, Jimin Zhao, Zhong Fang, Xi Dai, Detecting the chiral magnetic effect by lattice dynamics in Weyl
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Zhensheng Tao, Faran Zhou, Tzong-Ru
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YanlingWu, QiongWu, Fei Sun,
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Tian, He Tian, Y. L. Wu, L. L. Zhu, L. Q. Tao,W. Zhang, Y. Shu, D. Xie, Y. Yang, Z. Y. Wei, X. H. Lu, Tian-Ling Ren*, Chih-Kang Shih*, Jimin Zhao*, Coherent Generation of Photo-Thermo-Acoustic
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Chandan Setty, Jimin
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Tzong-Ru T. Han, Faran Zhou, Christos D. Malliakas, Phillip M. Duxbury, Subhendra
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Fei Sun, Rui Wang,
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Shaofeng Ge, Xuefeng Liu, Xiaofen Qiao, Qinsheng
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L. B. Liao, Q. H.
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ShizeYang, Xuezeng Tian, Lifen Wang, Jiake Wei, Kuo Qi, Xiaomin Li, Zhi Xu, Wenlong Wang, Jimin
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B. L. Wang, R. Wang, R. J. Liu, X. H. Lu, Jimin Zhao*, Z. Y. Li*, Origin
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X. D. Guo, L. Dong, Y. Guo, X. Y. Shan, Jimin Zhao and Xinghua Lu, Detecting larmor precession
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Nan Xie, H. Q.
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赵继民*,表面物理的超快光谱学研究,《现代物理知识》,第24卷, 第1期,44 (2012).
R. Wu, Y. L. Zhang, S. C. Yan, F. Bian, Wenlong Wang*, Xuedong Bai, Xinghua Lu, Jimin Zhao⃰, Enge Wang, Purely coherent
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F. Bian, Y. C. Tian, R. Wang, H. X. Yang, H.
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R. Wang, H. X. Yang, Y. Qin, B. Dong, J. Q.
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Fei Bian, R. Wang, H. X. Yang, X. Z. Zhang, J.
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Liu, Zengxia Mei, Rui Wang, Jimin Zhao, Huili Liang, Yang Guo,
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N. Cao, Y. F. Wei, Jimin Zhao,
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A. V. Bragas, C. Aku-Leh, S. Costantino, Alka Ingale, Jimin
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Jimin Zhao, Jun Ni, Hui Hu, Jiajiong
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